
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

"Idolatry and Divination"?

Our traddiest readers will probably already be aware of the recent radio talk given by the Elderly Gentleman from Argentina, concerning the relationship of disobedience (and "cling[ing] to what has always been done") to idolatry and divination. One might be tempted to consider this yet another example of the modernist's misuse of scripture and doctrine to support whatever program is needing to be pushed.

But it is not only modernists who abuse 1 Sam. xv.23. The bishop of Rome's off-the-cuff remarks remind me very much of a sermon heard last year in a Tradistani parish, regarding the (ahem) sin of disobeying the parish's dress code:

Clericalism is alive and well, and when clergy start accusing those who aren't following their every personal rule of witchcraft and idolatry, it might be because they feel the walls closing in.


  1. I think we Romans spend too much time looking at others at Church and not enough time praying and worrying about ourselves.

    1. Albeit, to this credit, the good Priest does make some good points in his sermon.

    2. I am in agreement on the basic point of modesty, and I even acknowledge a pastor's right to set guidelines in his own parish. However, a parishioner does not owe his pastor obedience in the same way that a sworn religious owes obedience to his abbot, nor is it akin to idolatry and witchcraft to wear something not 100% in conformity with a dress code. It was unsurprising to me that this priest gave a followup sermon scolding the women of the parish for reacting scrupulously, although with no apparent awareness of his own part in that problem.

    3. I agree with your points. I suppose he was just having a bad day!!

  2. Maybe he has his objective motives to make compromises. There are rumors of threats against the Vatican, physical threats, and now Francis has to please some people to alienate those threats. Maybe he also sent away the people he actually appreciates in the Vatican to make sure real church survives.
    I keep thinking about this stuff, and hey I'm Orthodox ya'all protestants:P! (j/k)
    Just before the real Second Coming a huge destruction and injustice is mentioned.
    Maybe Francis just has no options. You don't know what it was like for priests during communism in Eastern Europe, just to be able to keep a sermon and keep the churches undestroyed. Were they of weaker faith than the others who suffered in prisons? For sure. But without their compromise a lot would have been lost. There is also the story of the iconom, told by Christ Himself. Why do we worry of how less others pay back the lender?
    The key is to keep breathing.

  3. Concerning this certain Tradistani parish, I am now a part of it. I talked to Eccesial Viglante at the church he's currently worshipping in. He told me about you and the Rad Trad and the various cliques in the parish reflected at the parish hall after Mass. If possible, I would like to meet you anytime you can make it. I am right now in the choir, so I'll be at the High Mass tomorrow.

    1. "I am right now in the choir"

      You have my sincere condolences.

      I'll be there, I cannot speak for J. (he's heretically fond of the crack of dawn low Mass). I'll wear a grey suit with a gold pocket square, brown horn rimmed glasses, 6'2".

    2. It really isn't too bad, although I do share your disdain for the sentimental mush, like Faith of Our Fathers (which is going to be sung tomorrow). The director is adding more polyphonic pieces, so it's better than what I've been used to in the past.

      For myself, I'll have a red backpack, black overcoat, brown-black checkered jacket, black pants, violet dress shirt, 5' 11". I'll probably be the last of the choir leaving, as I usually stay to say an hour of the Monastic Office.

    3. Oops. Make that a brown-black striped blazer.

  4. FWIW, the usual tune used in America for Faith of Our Fathers (St. Catherine) is worse than the one used in Ireland.
