Saturday, January 17, 2015

Used Book Stores

They still exist! I got the Brothers Karamazov and an Agatha Christie, both in hardcover, for $14. It is a glorious mess!


  1. Books galore! Reminds me a bit of a used book store at St. Nicholas Market in Bristol.

  2. Which one is this, if you don't mind saying?

    1. It's "Back Door Books" on Throckmorton Street in Fort Worth, TX.

  3. When I lived in Post Falls, ID, there was a used/rare bookstore in the next town which essentially had a key to the liturgical "basement" of nearby Gonzaga University whenever they wanted to stock their shelves. They knew not what they sold. O for the days before Summorum Pontificum and cheap second-hand liturgical books!

    1. Wow. What a treasure-trove that must've been. I daresay even in preconciliar times they knew not what they sold - they might have even had Breviaries!

  4. I get almost all my books from used bookstores on the internet. Why? Because that's the only way to stay sane these days...

  5. When I first moved to London in the early 1990s there was a bookshop, John Thornton, that had very good liturigcal stock. In the garage that adjoined the shop on the Old Kings Road there were Breviaries piled up for £5.00 per set of four. That soon went up to £20.00 for some reason.
