Sunday, December 8, 2013

From the Liturgy of St John Chrysostom

"Today the Virgin is on her way to the cave where she will give birth to the
Eternal Word of God in an ineffable manner. Rejoice therefore, O universe, when you hear
this news, and glorify, with the angels and the shepherds, Him Who shall
appear as a new child, being God form all eternity."


  1. So what exactly do Byzantines celebrate on December 8th?

    1. Well today we celebrated the Sunday of the Crippled Woman. The above song is the kantikon (hymn) sung during the run up to Christmas. December 9th, in the Byzantine rite, is the "Maternity of St. Anne" though, if that answers your question.

    2. Thanks. Here in Portugal, there's been a long standing devotion to the Immaculate Conception (in times known as Nossa Senhora da Cenceição - Our Lady of the Conception), since the founding of the country actually, when the first king entrusted the Portuguese kingdom in perpetuity to her. Starting in the 17th century, the kings no longer wore the crown as they had officially offered the crown to the Blessed Mother. In my city, which has one of the oldest universities in Europe, before one could receive one's degree one had to vow to defend the Immaculate Conception (centuries before it was proclaimed dogma). This practice merited the university chapel the indulgence to use the liturgical color blue.
